Quiz Master
Use this code to add this applet to your page:
(All the files should be in the same directory as the HTML file.)
<applet code="Quiz2.class" width=227 height=227> // max length of each line = 36 characters. // make sure all parameters exist even if they are just empty strings. <param name=q1 value="1) 'Female of the species' was"> <param name=q1b value="written by Space."> <param name=q2 value="2) Jane Austen wrote"> <param name=q2b value="'Rebecca'."> <param name=q3 value="3) Thumper was"> <param name=q3b value="a rabbit."> <param name=q4 value="4) Did the princess sleep"> <param name=q4b value="on an egg?"> <param name=q5 value="5) Bill Gates is"> <param name=q5b value="too rich."> <param name=q6 value="6) Is Prince Charles going"> <param name=q6b value="to be the next king?"> // every question must have an answer from 1 to 4 // 1=yes 2=no 3=true 4=false <param name=x1 value="3"> <param name=x2 value="4"> <param name=x3 value="3"> <param name=x4 value="2"> <param name=x5 value="3"> <param name=x6 value="1"> </applet>
Download quiz.zip
If you would like a customised version then let
me know and i'll see what i can do :-)